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Friday, May 4, 2012

My Little Garden's Progress

For those of you who remember my post about my goat and needing a solution for a garden this year, you'll remember My Little Garden on Stilts! This is an update on the progress it is making.
 Basil is progressing slowly...
 Cilantro is all up, finally!
 Cucumber plants have new growth...
 Little worried about the dill...
it looks a little brown.
 Grand Rapids Leaf Lettuce!
Think I need to thin them? LOL
A view from up top while watering :-)

If you didn't see the first post, click on the link at the top of the page. That will take you to the post of when we first built and planted the garden :-)


  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE THIS LYNN!! You are richly blessed and highly favored darlin'! You have no idea what I'd give for a garden like this! My little container herb garden out by my patio, my Meyer lemon and Key lime trees practically bring me to tears I love them so much :) My hat is off to you and Craig... fantastic job! xoxo
