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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sauteed Mushrooms

If you like the steakhouse side of sauteed mushrooms,
you'll love these even more!!!

Start out with about a half pound of your favorite mushrooms.
Remember that they cook down. If you want a lot, use a pound!

Clean them with a damp cloth and slice thin.

All sliced!

What you need:
1/2 pound mushrooms
1 or 2 T of butter
fresh garlic or garlic powder to taste
a few shakes of soy sauce or to taste
couple of shakes of pepper... no salt!!!

Melt butter and toss in mushrooms and garlic...

Add in a few shakes of soy sauce and let the
mushrooms cook down until they get a little color.
Ta - Da!!! Very Yummy! Take that Logan's!!!

I baked some pork chops in a little oil and coated them
with a mixture of ranch and greek seasonings.

I took the pan drippings and made a sauce. I made a rue
of 1 T each of butter and flour; added the drippings, a few
shakes of lemon and some water, then reduced it a little.
To finish the sauce, I added another teaspoon of butter.

Added the chops back to soak up some sauce.

Made some taters to go along with the chops. These were
boiled in a brine of salt, pepper and some spices.

Finished plate... chops with sauce and topped with
Sauteed Mushrooms and a potato with a pat of
butter along side!
I apologize that the pictures are too yellow. My camera is still on the fritz! I hope to have it back soon!!!

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