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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tzatziki Sauce

Tzatziki is a Greek cucumber sauce that is quick and easy to make. It’s a common sauce for gyros (a Greek lamb pita pocket sandwich). It is also great as a dip for raw veggies or toasted pita slices. This week is sandwich week for Wednesday night suppers, so I thought this sauce would be the perfect recipe of the day. Try it for yourself and see how good it tastes on your sandwiches! Here’s the recipe:

•1 8 oz container of plain Greek yogurt *
•1 cucumber
•1 tbsp olive oil
•1 tbsp fresh or 1 tsp dry dill
•1 to 2 cloves of garlic
•salt and pepper to taste

Start by peeling and seeding your cucumber. Process or grate the cucumber. Squeeze the cucumber pieces in a clean kitchen towel to get a bit of the extra liquid out.

Put the cucumber pieces in a medium bowl. Add the yogurt and olive oil. Add the dill and then finely chop or press the garlic cloves and add them to the dip as well. Stir and add salt and pepper to taste.
Cover and chill for at least an hour or until you are ready to serve it.

* If you can’t find Greek yogurt you can use regular plain yogurt. Just make sure it isn’t too runny. If it is, line a colander with a clean tea towel or cheesecloth. Set the colander over a bowl and pour the yogurt in the cloth lined colander. Let it sit in the fridge overnight. Pour out the liquid left in the bowl. Use the yogurt for the dip.

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