Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Simple Breakfast Food

Yesterday, I posted a picture of an egg and a piece of toast on my Facebook page, and I received 88 comments so far. For the most part, the comments were nice and positive, but some were rude and negative. I received 384 'like's and 30 people shared this simple picture of a soft fried egg and a piece of pan fried toast.

I was told that this is toad in a hole, eggs in a nest, poached egg on toast and one eyed jacks. Actually, I made French Toast for my son and had a tiny bit of egg mixture left in the bowl. It only partially covered one side, so it's basically pan fried toast. I fried the egg because I don't care for syrup with French Toast. The picture above is of what I called:
 "A farm egg and buttered white bread toast... salt and pepper.It doesn't get any fresher, simpler or better... and I love runny eggs :-)"
I received several comments of 'yuck', 'ewwww' and one 'gross'. I had to laugh. I know that the runny or 'dippy' eggs are going to cause a knee jerk response, add some people even commented on a gag reflex problem. Again, I had to laugh, until a guy questioned the southern-ness of my dish. He labeled himself 'my Yankee self' and said... 
"Not particularly southern though. My Yankee self ate this long before moving here."
What did I say about the knee jerk reactions of earlier comments? LOL If you know me... I like to laugh! I like to be funny! But, I am a Southern Belle and us Southern Belles are a loyal and passionate lot. However, I'm not about to get into a debate on who invented the egg! I simply posted this picture with this heading:
"Someone said something earlier about me and my food not being "Southern". This is my daughter-in-law, and she didn't like that!!!"

Hee Hee Hee!!!

Here's a picture for the guy that told me that I forgot the bacon. I was out of bacon, but here's some bacon and some sausage too!

I never thought a picture of a simple fried egg and a piece of toast would cause such controversy! LOL 

If you'd like to check out more breakfast recipes here at Southern With A Twist, you can use the search at the upper right of this page or check out the links attached to these pictures...

Enjoy and have a great morning!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As a lifelong Californian, I often enjoy over easy eggs on plain sourdough toast. I think I got it from my mother, who was born in Boston and raised in the Midwest. Fried egg sandwiches are even better. The best part? Egg yoke running down my beard!

  3. I love your reaction to the controversy...I,as well, ate fried eggs with runny centers on toast and also 3 minute eggs with bits of bread and they also have soft centers. I love your recipes but can't pin or print them. Please help?

    1. Not sure why you can't pin them. I pin straight from here. As far as printing, I have added the print button, and you should be able to print from the recipes now. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting Southern With A Twist! I hope you come back often! :-)

  4. Oh honey - you can't please everyone - personally I think it looks wonderful! Love eggs and love fried toast. Not to mention hash browns! Keep them coming Lynn.
