Friday, November 2, 2012

Spicy Cheese Dip

I decided to make Mitchell's favorite dip today. Mitchell is my 22 year old step-son who still responds, "Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! I could eat that whole pot by myself!", every time I make this. It is so easy and you can make it as spicy as you like. This is a medium grade heat for this dip. Rotel makes a mild and hot also. You can add your own peppers or hot sauce, if you like.

Start with one 10 ounce can of Rotel with it's juice
and 16 ounces of Velveeta Cheese.
This all you need for the meatless dip.

The hamburger I used was still frozen. So I put it in this dish
and put it in the oven at 350 degrees. (Or use sausage)
When the juices started to run out,
I removed it from the oven and 
broke it apart with a wooden spoon.
I put it back in the oven until all the meat was browned.

I cubed the cheese and added it to the meat.

Add the Rotel and place the dish back in the oven
until the dip is melted.

Serve with your favorite chips!


  1. this dip looks naughty but very nice!

    Ps Thanks for following Carole's Chatter

  2. I'm not a cheese person, but your dish looks very appetizing. Also, with a few ingredients and easy-to-follow steps, there's no way I can go wrong with this dip. Thanks to your irresistible Spicy Cheese Dip, Lynn!

  3. how much ground beef did you use?

    1. I used about a pound or so. It depends on how thick you want it.
