Saturday, February 15, 2014

Winter Storm #2

The winter storm came in full swing
Wednesday morning. By Wednesday night,
we were getting reports that the worst was over. 

Soon after that report, our lights went out. I had just pulled the fried chicken out of the pan and put it in the hot oven. I wasn't even sure if it was done yet. Believe it or not, I don't fry chicken often! I had hot grease pop in my eye when I was very young, and I have to push myself to fry it.

Luckily, the chicken turned out great!
After eating, the hubby went outside to take some pictures. 


 Crape Myrtles...

Grass and weeds covered in ice!

 When he came in, we gathered around the rocket stove
that he made and played Canasta until 2am.

Elliott took his beanie back
so the hubby put the ski mask on backwards. LOL

 The next morning,
Elliott made coffee on top of the rocket stove.

I grilled Greek Pork Chops!

Here are some things that I learned during this ordeal...

Ranch Sunflower seeds boiled in beef broth
actually taste good! Elliott's concoction...
A ski mask worn backwards provides
a perfect ponytail hole!

The Hubby is a sore looser in cards!  

But he's pretty darn good at decorating a cake when the room is 45 degrees without any power appliances! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had good food and some fun in the midst of the storm! I hope all is well now.

