Sunday, July 2, 2023

Chicken Tenders! LOL

Our journey started back in February, when we decided to become chicken tenders! LOL We got chicks from a local owned feed store. We got Americanas, Isa Browns and Golden Comets. We wound up with 10 hens and 1 rooster. (Oops! But we will deal with him for now.) 

11 Babies

Under the brooder... 

5 months later, we found the rooster!

And the need for me to buy new boots!

Our first eggs!
3 collected this morning. 
2 small and one tiny!
The first egg the hubby cracked, 
which was small, had 3 tiny yolks!!!

I decided to video the other two just in case!
A double and a single! 

He thought since they were small eggs,
 that he'd just get one sandwich. 
He had to make two sandwiches!

Next batch is going for this

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