Monday, July 1, 2013

My "Crap on a Cracker" Moment

Those of you that are familiar with Penny on The Big Bang Theory will understand this and not take offense. (If not Google it and you'll understand! LOL)

My "Crap on a Cracker" Moment today...

Like the commercial on TV, I came into the kitchen this morning to find a pot pie box on the island, which let me know that my son had fixed himself a little something to eat. (The hubby brought 2 of the pies home a month ago and put them in the freezer. Something he does from time to time... I don't know why.) Anyway!!! I'm sitting at my computer working on a post and think to myself... should I really be smelling that pot pie that strongly at noon, when he fixed it hours ago? I even looked in the trash to see if he had thrown the uneaten portion in the trash. Nothing there... Back at my computer, I thought to myself, "Dang that pot pie sure smells good! That can't be what I smell! Garlic... I smell yummy Garlic!" A little while later, after thinking that my garlic loving son added garlic to his pot pie, I was feeling mighty proud that he's becoming quite the little chef... THEN, it dawned on me that I had put a roast in the crock pot last night... at 8pm!!!

17 hours later!!! Thank goodness it was on LOW!

I think it's done! LOL

Not that you'd want to duplicate this recipe... but here's what I did. I put the roast in the crock pot, and as with all crock pot recipes, I turned the crock pot on and forgot about it! LOL

One good chunk of a sirloin roast
2 cups good beef broth
1 1/2 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp dried minced onion
Salt and Pepper

Put in the crock pot on low for about 8 hours or high for about 4-5 hours.


  1. I was trying to make refried beans in the crock pot, and it was an 8-hr recipe. I totally forgot about them, and they cooked on low all night long! They turned out FABULOUS!
    Now I do it on purpose, because they get so creamy.
