Friday, June 7, 2013

Great-Aunt Vashti's Browned Squash

Last night, I attempted once again to re-create an old family recipe... My Great-Aunt Vashti's Browned Squash! To get the intense browning that she did, I have to cook it low and slow on the stove-top. If the temp is not just right, it will burn and you'll end up with a bitter flavor. I discovered that I don't have the patience to cook this dish often! It took me 2 hours to even get close!

Aunt Vashti used:
Yellow Squash... about 4 or 5 
3 T butter
1 onion, minced 
3 cloves minced garlic
Salt and black pepper, to taste.

Cook in a sauce pan on medium low, stirring occasionally. I covered it for the first 30-45 minutes for it to cook down. Then let it simmer and turn golden brown. (about an hour to an hour and a half) Aunt Vashti's squash was always a deep bark brown,  and caramelized to perfection! YUM!

 Mine is not a brown as hers was, but like I said, I'm not as patient! :-)


  1. Lynn, please be patient!! It makes a world of difference. To do this my grandmother's way, I would start with twice as much squash as I thought I would need and I stir and brown over and over until the squash was a deep golden brown. The flavor is much more concentrated. My favorite meal during tomato season is this squash served with buttery new potatoes, green beans and a diced tomato. I promise it is a religious experience. Meat? Who needs it!

  2. Ohhhh, so delicious, and I'm diggin' Dianne's input! Eeegads, country eating at its best, Lynnneeepoo!! xo

  3. Love squash!! This is going on my plate with my winter roasts!

  4. You know I love this! One delicious dish right there.

  5. I've never heard of this, but now I'm dying to taste it! Looks wonderful!
