Monday, May 20, 2013

Voodoo Egg Rolls

I saw a picture of Voodoo Egg Rolls for the first time the other day on Serving Houma's Facebook Page. They offer an amazing service. For restaurants in their area that don't deliver, they'll order for you, go pick it up and deliver it to you! What a wonderful service especially for those house bound individuals! Anyway, I contacted them and told them that I wasn't asking for a recipe, because I knew that only delivered, but could they describe the rolls to me. Their picture looked so good, and they were very nice to describe them for me. To me, they sounded like a Louisiana version of the lobster rolls that Red Lobster used to sell... just kicked up with some good andouille sausage! I had worked for a long time to try and replicate the Lobster Rolls, so I figured I'd try my hand at these Voodoo Egg Rolls! I'm not sure if these taste anything like the ones in Houma, La, but they were VERY good!!! The hubby gave them a thumbs up... because his mouth was too full to talk! LOL

Voodoo Egg Rolls

1 1/2 cups Crawfish Tails, chopped or shrimp
2 tsp Old Bay Seasoning
1 tsp Butter
1/4 cup Onion, minced
3 cloves Garlic, minced
3/4 cup Andouille Sausage, cut in a small dice
4 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1 1/2 cups Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1 cup corn
1/2 block of Cream Cheese (4 oz, room temp)
12 Egg Roll Wrappers

In a large bowl, add crawfish and seasonings.

I didn't have the crawfish this time, so I substituted shrimp.
I'll try the crawfish next time!

In a skillet, saute onions and garlic in butter and Worcestershire 

until tender. Add crawfish and sausage.

Saute for 2-3 minutes.
Dump back into the large bowl to cool.

Mix cheeses and corn until well mixed.
Add to the cooled meat mixture.

Put an egg roll wrapper on a dry surface.
Place 2 tablespoons or so of the filling mixture
in the middle of the wrapper.

Fold the top down...

 Tuck the bottom in a little and fold over the sides...

 Fold in the other side... Notice the small white bowl?
It has water in it...

Wet the top edge with a water on your fingertip
and roll toward the end. The water will seal the edges.

 Press to seal.

 Fry rolls at 375 degrees until golden, about 2 minutes.

My plate...

The Hubby's plate!


  1. Hello! These sounds yummy! Just wondering, you could bake these rather than frying them, correct? :-)

  2. No don't bake these. They will be hard as a rock. You can pan fry them in a shallow pan instead of deep frying them. Just keep checking and turning them so they don't burn. Drain them on a cake rack with paper towels underneath.
    Hope this helps!

  3. Oh my soul - my husband will LOVE these! I definitely need to make them ASAP :) thanks for sharing this!

  4. Well I just couldn't pass up a recipe title like this! Nothing beats andouille in my book!
    Michelle @Ms. enPlace

  5. What is the dipping sauce you are serving them with?

  6. Do you "deep fry" these or just fry in a skillet and how much oil do you use for frying?

  7. Dont know where I can find Andouille sausage in Australia could I just substitute it for Chorizo????

    1. I think they are similar - not quite sure - I'm a Northern Girl - but I love Southern food :)

    2. Yes, Chorizo is a great substitution for andouille. You could also use Portuguese sausages Chourico or Linguica :)

  8. Cannot wait to try these! My mind is cooking up variations Galore! Lynn , you ALWAYS inspires me!! <3

  9. Oh, Lynn, there are so many good flavors going on in these Voodoo rolls! I'm sure they taste absolutely amazing!

    1. Thanks Lisa! They are yummy if I do say so myself! LOL

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Justine! They really are yummy! I had to come up with these when the restaurant quit selling them. I actually like mine better than Red Lobster! LOL

  11. I know everyone here would love those! The flavors just sound amazing!!

  12. I just love all the details you offer w/recipes! Really helps, especially w/this one! Spectacular! xoxo

  13. Sounds like a delicious combination!

  14. LOL I'd have to give you the thunbs up too cause my mouth would be full of that yummines xoxo

  15. Oh my goodness, these look divine ♥

  16. Oh my! I love it! I have to use shrimp since cant get crawfish here! I am making this for my Fat Tuesday! LOVE IT!

  17. Miriam I made these a few days ago and took to work; they are amazing and were gone within minutes. Can they be frozen or refrigerated. I have been asked to make these for the up coming holidays. Again I thank U for this wonderful recipe.

    1. Thanks Miriam! They can be frozen before cooking. I have not tried to refrigerate them. Before cooking they dry out. After cooking they get soggy. Either freeze them, or cook and eat right away is my best suggestion. ~ Lynn

  18. you did a fantastic job on these they are mouth watering!

  19. Wowzeee LynneeePoooo! Now this looks ahhhmazing! And, I'm loving all your photos that show step by step!! xo

  20. My mouth is watering!! I love the easy step by step photos you included in the post, it makes it look easier to make!

  21. I've never thought to make my own...great idea

  22. Reaching right through this screen to grab me some of your fabulous food!!!

  23. I love these for the name alone, but I also know that all those ingredients must make up one heck of a delicious roll... I need to make these soon!!

  24. I will be making Sunday for the game
